Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Doug has the timing...

So, we're within weeks of this year's National Novel Writing Month. Can you believe it's here already?! And just in time for all the fuss, Doug Coupland has come out with a new book that (finally) sounds interesting and wonderful...just like the olden days.

The Gum Thief has to do with writing...journaling really...between two people whose only form of communication is through their hand-written ramblings. So said the Wall St. Journal article that I read anyway...

While the reviews aren't so good, I'm excited to read it anyway. Usually I disagree with reviews. And what I like about Coupland is not really his message persay but the things that he sees. He just looks at things a little differently and that's, well, fun.

Think of it as NaNoWriMo training '07.

I can't wait for November 1!!!! Toot toot!

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